Vibration Frenquency:4500-5100 cycles/minute
Vibration Pressure:52KN
Production/mould:Lawn brick (390*240*190mm) 3 Pcs /mould
Solid brick (240*115*53 mm) 20Pcs/mould
Linkage brick (225*112.5*70mm) 10Pcs/mould
Paving brick (200*100*60mm) 12Pcs/mould
Porous brick (240*1159*90mm) 10Pcs/mould
Cycle Time:15-30seconds
Production/day(10hours):Lawn brick (390*240*190mm) 4320Pcs
Solid brick (240*115*53 mm) 48000Pcs
Linkage brick (225*112.5*70mm) 14400Pcs
Paving brick (200*100*60mm) 17280Pcs
brick (240*115*90mm) 12000Pcs
Motor Power:17 Kw
Number of workers:8-10workers
Space of Ground:3000m2
Machine Dimension:5500*1120*2600mm
Main materials:
Cement,crushed stone dust,gravel,sand,coal
fly ash,iron/aluminium dust,crushed cinder and some industrial wastes.
Products of machine:Hollow blocks,Solid bricks,Pavers,Kurbstones,Slope blocks,slabs, interlock
bricks and so on.